Real name: MOA JOSEF
Applying for: Call of Duty 1 Team
Reason for applying:
Ingame name : MOA JOSEFI am a good player. I have been playing since 2015. I will benefit you a lot. I played a lot of wars and won them. I am respectful. I do not fight with anyone.
Previous ingame names: TikTok-Josef
Previous clans: zr / ss / b2b /wolf pack / retire
Age (16+): I am 17
Location : Egypt Alexandria
Discord ID : josef1_1
Steam ID: I had it but now my device is bad so I wiped it
Fps ID : I don't know what this is
PB-Guid CoD1, CoD2, CoD4,: Currently I only play cod 1
Achievements (Ladders, Cups etc.): I played the Ramadan tournament with Al-Aswain and won
Why do you want to join: Because it is an honor for anyone to enter this wonderful community and the distinguished members inside
Able to be teamviewed whenever asked?: Yes, at any time
Do you have TS³ and a working MIC: Yes
Screenshots or/and a fragvideo: I have good screens, but on the computer I submit the request from the mobile phone
Extra information (real life and gaming history): I love electronic games, as well as reading, football, watching movies, and studying